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Monday, February 16, 2009

Open Mind

Recenlty I've been in a slump, as I am sure u can tell by the dates of my posts i go through binges of posting. Unfortunately this tells of a bigger problem which seems embedded in my personality, I am very much an "all or nothing" type of person and it sucks. It has prevented me from doing many things I would have loved to try and attempt because I simply wanted to do them right. Among these ideas are making music, techno rap beats etc, making a frag movie for cod and tf2. All of which I think about and get inspired to do every now and then when an idea lodges itself into my head, but never do because I would have to do it 200%.

This mentality has seeped into my column writing as well. Not to say that it wasn't there before, but now I read articles online that will inspire me and give me ideas, but I want to be original. I can easily rehash a huffington post political piece and bring it to the SSU campus as something original, but I want to do it right.. This often ends in 3-4 hours of reading opinion pieces on the net while getting no writing done myself. If I am going to write it then I am going to do it perfect, but recently I have become extremely frusturated with the lack of original thought Ive been coming up with. I guess you can call it writers block, but I won't fucking settle for rehashes as every god damn news site seems to be content with.

Ideas for future articles:

~ why america hates techno (I am sure somebody has written about it but I haven't seen anything and I am sure most ppl haven't either)

~ In a style identical to my Technically Speaking column for last years news section, do the same thing except for recent political news. (this is the strongest of my recent ideas, this way i cant take other topics that have been heavily covered and skip amongsts them with original angles and humor)

We'll see what happens, but I was damn scared the other day when I wasn't motivated to write anything. That has never happened to me before and I don't want it to ever happen again.

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